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The Angra
The destructive force of the universe. The Angra is a god who does not take humanoid form. It commands the Devas and the Shadow Beasts as it guides destruction.
Blaze Beetles
Shadow Beasts. Blaze Beetles are scarabs with intense body temperatures and lava flowing through their bodies. Their bite burns terribly. If controlled by a Scorpion Man, a Blaze Beetle can be compelled to explode, causing massive damage.
A Voidicant. Assumes the form of a horse. Eskandar's steed.
The Deva of slothfulness and torpor.
Celestial Ones
Servants of the Spenta. Also known as Bounteous Immortals. Cannot die, can only transcend to the next plane of existence, becoming one with the Spenta. Some Celestial Ones are created directly by the Spenta. Other Celestial Ones are former humans who reached a level of transcendent enlightenment and joined the Bounteous Immortals.
Delta Vipers
Shadow Beasts. Delta Vipers are shaped like giant cobras, with golden eyes printed in their foreheads and on their hoods. Delta Vipers can often predict the movements of nearby creatures, making them difficult to surprise in combat.
Servants of the Angra. While they can enter the Getig, they mostly reside in the Menog. Not as powerful as Celestial Ones, but their power is free of counterbalance. A very powerful Shadow Beast can transcend and become a Deva. Devas have better control over their appetite than Shadow Beasts.
Shadow Beasts. Drowners are aquatic, shaped like chunky eels. They have immense appetites.
A Celestial One. Imprisoned for betraying the Spenta; trying to escape her prison and unleash the end of the world.
The Deva of false rumors and deceit.
Shadow Beasts. Golems are silent creatures of clay, earth and stone. They are vaguely humanoid, each drawing strength from the jewel at the center of their being. They often steal children. In the city of Gaza, the local monks use ancient methods to pacify Golems, and even use these Shadow Beasts to bolster the city's defenses.
Meadow Gaunts
Shadow Beasts. Meadow Gaunts are subterranean, frequently found in meadows. They wait for their prey to approach, then use a serrated tongue to drag the prey into their massive jaws.
Scorpion Men
Shadow Beasts. Scorpion Men have the head and torso of human men but the legs, pincers and tail of giant scorpions. They are usually bald and have powers of domination over other Shadow Beasts.
The Poet
A being that created both the Angra and the Spenta. They recite the universe until only one being remains—that final being becomes the Poet of the subsequent universe.
The Spenta
The creative force of the universe. The Spenta is a god who does not take humanoid form. It commands the Celestial Ones as it guides creation.
Shadow Beasts. Starmouths absorb all the nearby light, creating darkness, and therefore are hard to detect. They attack by scuttling up to their prey and suddenly opening their mouths, blinding and paralyzing prey with an overwhelming blast of light.
A Celestial One, memorialized in a statue at Jalehravan.
Void Golem
An unnatural hybrid, spawned by the cataclysm: part Voidicant, part Golem.
Shadow Beasts. Voidicants are rare and the most dangerous Shadow Beast variety. They often take the form of a woman, but they have no gender. Voidicants are difficult to kill. It is best to simply push them into the Menog, from which they cannot return easily. Voidicants are fascinated by their own reflections.
A Celestial One. Loyal servant of the Spenta.
The destructive force of the universe. The Angra is a god who does not take humanoid form. It commands the Devas and the Shadow Beasts as it guides destruction.
Blaze Beetles
Shadow Beasts. Blaze Beetles are scarabs with intense body temperatures and lava flowing through their bodies. Their bite burns terribly. If controlled by a Scorpion Man, a Blaze Beetle can be compelled to explode, causing massive damage.
A Voidicant. Assumes the form of a horse. Eskandar's steed.
The Deva of slothfulness and torpor.
Celestial Ones
Servants of the Spenta. Also known as Bounteous Immortals. Cannot die, can only transcend to the next plane of existence, becoming one with the Spenta. Some Celestial Ones are created directly by the Spenta. Other Celestial Ones are former humans who reached a level of transcendent enlightenment and joined the Bounteous Immortals.
Delta Vipers
Shadow Beasts. Delta Vipers are shaped like giant cobras, with golden eyes printed in their foreheads and on their hoods. Delta Vipers can often predict the movements of nearby creatures, making them difficult to surprise in combat.
Servants of the Angra. While they can enter the Getig, they mostly reside in the Menog. Not as powerful as Celestial Ones, but their power is free of counterbalance. A very powerful Shadow Beast can transcend and become a Deva. Devas have better control over their appetite than Shadow Beasts.
Shadow Beasts. Drowners are aquatic, shaped like chunky eels. They have immense appetites.
A Celestial One. Imprisoned for betraying the Spenta; trying to escape her prison and unleash the end of the world.
The Deva of false rumors and deceit.
Shadow Beasts. Golems are silent creatures of clay, earth and stone. They are vaguely humanoid, each drawing strength from the jewel at the center of their being. They often steal children. In the city of Gaza, the local monks use ancient methods to pacify Golems, and even use these Shadow Beasts to bolster the city's defenses.
Meadow Gaunts
Shadow Beasts. Meadow Gaunts are subterranean, frequently found in meadows. They wait for their prey to approach, then use a serrated tongue to drag the prey into their massive jaws.
Scorpion Men
Shadow Beasts. Scorpion Men have the head and torso of human men but the legs, pincers and tail of giant scorpions. They are usually bald and have powers of domination over other Shadow Beasts.
The Poet
A being that created both the Angra and the Spenta. They recite the universe until only one being remains—that final being becomes the Poet of the subsequent universe.
The Spenta
The creative force of the universe. The Spenta is a god who does not take humanoid form. It commands the Celestial Ones as it guides creation.
Shadow Beasts. Starmouths absorb all the nearby light, creating darkness, and therefore are hard to detect. They attack by scuttling up to their prey and suddenly opening their mouths, blinding and paralyzing prey with an overwhelming blast of light.
A Celestial One, memorialized in a statue at Jalehravan.
Void Golem
An unnatural hybrid, spawned by the cataclysm: part Voidicant, part Golem.
Shadow Beasts. Voidicants are rare and the most dangerous Shadow Beast variety. They often take the form of a woman, but they have no gender. Voidicants are difficult to kill. It is best to simply push them into the Menog, from which they cannot return easily. Voidicants are fascinated by their own reflections.
A Celestial One. Loyal servant of the Spenta.